Pricing & Plans comparison

Choose the plan that fits

Build pages from mobile friendly templates and get a free hosting for free. Upgrade to PRO and get even more.

Free plan

Per Month

Get started free

Free page builder
Responsive themes
Meta tags & SEO tools
Visits weekly digest
No hosting required
No credit card required

Pro plan

Per Month

Get started free

All features from a Free plan
Advanced page builder
Park and secure your domain
Collect leads
Visits analytics
Use integrations
7 days free trial

Compare features

Try out PRO features like custom domains or visits statistics free for a 7 days trial period.

Feature Free plan PRO plan  
Price $0 $3 Charged per month
Sites count 2 10 Count of pages to build and publish
Page builder Simple page builder and wizard
Responsive themes Collection of responsible layouts
Countdown timer Countdown clock to a specific event or deadline
Meta tags Boost your website in search engines
CMNGSN subdomain Publish your pages to subdomain
Site export Export site code to your hosting
Sitemap and robots files Automated generation of sitemap and robots files
Visits digest Weekly email with statistics digest
Leads collecting Collect emails of your visitors and turn them into customers
Welcome emails Send welcome and follow-up emails to your leads
Leads digest Monthly letter with collected leads
Social share tags Boost your social sharing effect
Sites visits statistics Detailed information about visits, clicks, and leads
Custom domains Publish your pages to custom domains you own
Integrations Automate your flow or integrate tools you love
Redirects Preserve existing links or redirect to new
Email support Just start a conversation with email or feedback dialog

Questions & Answers

Didn't find the answer about pricing? We are always ready to give a hand.

  • What is CMNGSN?

    CMNGSN is a simple platform that helps businesses of all sizes to build and launch landing pages in a few minutes without coding. It offers a suite of tools and features to help businesses attract, engage, and convert leads into customers.

  • How can I pay?

    You can pay by card or PayPal. All payments on CMNGSN are processed by and we don't get credit cards data or any sensitive payments information.

  • Can I cancel anytime?

    Yes, you can deactivate your CMNGSN subscription anytime.

  • Do you have a funny GIF with a cat?

    Sure, here is a nice one:

    funny cat gif what else

  • Where can I get more information about CMNGSN?

    You can read our blog, follow the twitter account, or just contact the support via email or feedback dialog at the bottom of the page.

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